Monday, June 27, 2011

Sepeda Fixie Hitam Ramping

Sepeda Fixie Hitam Ramping

Sepeda Fixie Hitam Ramping

Sepeda Fixie Hitam Ramping

Sepeda Fixie Hitam Ramping

Sepeda Fixie Hitam Ramping

I accept been attractive at your armpit on an about circadian base for a brace of years now and accept assuredly congenital two anchored accessory bikes. The photo's of my aboriginal body are attached. It is my Grandad's 1930's Anatomy which was alteredby Ron Argent of Granby Cycles in the 1930's. I accept ridden this bike on and off for the accomplished 30 years, but accepting advised the abounding entries on your armpit accept now rebuilt it in anchored accessory form. The anatomy has been "rattle can" sprayed in brownish green, but I may accept it crumb coated in the future! The basal bracket, angle and crank set are all aboriginal or at atomic the aforementioned era as the frame. The auto are Velocity "Fusions" which I had congenital at 53-12 in Colchester on new hubs. (don't apperceive their name) The balderdash horn handle confined are Charge "Slicebars" and the anchor batten is "Trektro". In discharge of it's age the bike is actual bland and fast and a joy to ride.

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